
Neutral Space Relaxation®


Practitioners of Neutral Space Relaxation

Graham works intuitively, with harmony at the centre of his professional understanding and way of life. “This method of bodywork, I believe to be very beneficial to anyone who is looking to enjoy life to the full”.

Working for 20 years in Complementary Health, with an understanding of Mechanisms, body feedback and general energy flow, Graham works to return the clients body to a state of harmony, with free flowing energy and balance, a true state of bliss, so people can carry out their lives with clarity through a clear mind. Graham and Lyn studied Polarity Therapy in 2002 - 03, with Masterworks International, Indian Head Massage 2005, and Structural Body Alignment 2001 -2004, we are accredited through the IPHM

Graham and Lyn live in Charmouth in West Dorset. England,  They continue to travel and explore our amazing world for the full enjoyment of meeting people and sharing the relaxation work in all it’s forms.   


“Neutral-Space Relaxation® There is a feeling of a new way of working and different approach to life, expanding and allowing others and themselves to benefit from their wide experience in responding to people and clients. I love working with Relaxation, Neutral-Space Style”.               Graham

Contact Details: To book an appointment : Neutral

Phone 07787 503508 or email

Web :

'Relaxation Specialist'

Graham Whiteman - Neutral Space Relaxation - Charmouth, Bridport, Dorset. UK
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